Sorozatokkal és fotózással foglalkoztunk Kaposváron
We continued with the “Create Your Own Series” project with the Kaposvár 1 group on Saturday, January 13th. As part of the project, each child prepared a presentation about their favorite TV series, which they will present in the next session. In addition, they got acquainted with the basics of photography. We spent an hour discussing how to compose a photo, and they had the opportunity to try out what they learned using the tablets provided by the foundation. We also had time for a mentoring session in the morning, where I shared information about the upcoming programs for this semester. Zsuzsa Fenyő, Mentor, Kaposvár 1 Group
“I really enjoyed this morning. I’m interested in photography and films, so I’m curious about the tasks we’ll receive in the future. I made a presentation about The Grace Clinic because I love this series; the characters are great, and the storyline is superb.” Kíra Kecskés, Kaposvár 1 Group