Renáta Tischlér

“Acknowledging and summarizing the 15 years spent as a member of the Csányi Foundation may not be possible, but I will try. I joined the Pécs 1 group in 2007, where over the years, the team and mentors became like a second family to me. I never thought about the positive impact that the multitude of developmental classes, camps, events, and Life Path days would have on my life. The Foundation stood by me in health, joy, and sickness alike, for which I am incredibly grateful to this day. The Foundation helped me achieve my goals, provided every opportunity for a ‘Csányi student’ to make the most out of themselves. I think I can speak on behalf of all former Csányi students, but it was the most defining period of my life. I thank the Founders and all the employees of the Foundation for everything. I will always look back on this time with warmth in my heart.” – Renáta Tischlér