2023. 06. 09.
Egyéb, Jászberény, Mohács, Pécs
Parents’ meeting for the freshmen
At the first parents’ meeting of the little freshmen – Jászberény 2, Mohács 2, Pécs 1 group, Dr. Miklós Radoszáv, the operating director, informed the parents and the children about the Csányi Foundation’s operating rules, the Foundation’s policy, and the possibilities of musical talent care: the Chamber Orchestra and the Csányi Band. Afterwards, the declarations for participation in the Sarlóspuszta Freshmen Camp were filled in. After reviewing the study contracts, the first commitments were made. They were given useful and practical information, and were also informed about the programmes they could expect at the Freshmen Camp.
We will see you soon at the camp and start to gather experiences together!