
In 2022, the Students’ Parliament of the Csányi Foundation has established the title of “Ambassador of the Csányi Foundation”, which can be awarded to those among us who have contributed to the spread of the reputation of our Foundation with their talent and active involvement in Hungary and abroad.


2024 Winner

Szeged Photography Club


2023 Winners

Csányi Band

The Chamber Orchestra of the Foundation

Project AMÖR

Gellért Karácsonyi

Ivett Majoros

Gyula Pege

Emma Sárközi


2022 Winners

Jász Stones

The Foundation’s Football Team

The Foundation’s Chess Team

Tamara Dollák

Lilla Fekete

Ábel Furus

Patrik Gálosi

Local History team

Bianka Járay

Bertalan Sülyi

Anna Terestyényi

Szabolcs Turuczki