Easter in the Nagybajom Community House

Easter in the Nagybajom Community House

“As we approached Easter, we spent time together in a festive atmosphere after the sessions, as is tradition. Our project was to gather information about the traditions of this holiday. Our task was to find and inform ourselves about as many folk customs and traditions related to Christian culture as possible. For example, with Uncle Andris we painted eggs and learned about the natural materials our grandparents used to boil them. We also got to try our hand at turning purple onion skins into the colour we want, and dyed them with common egg dyes used today. The dyed eggs were polished with a little fat. We also learned about the colour of the original dyed egg (red). Szilvi and Andris prepared a traditional Easter breakfast for us and Szilvi explained the Christian culture associated with this and other festivities. We talked about the sanctification of food and the meaning of other Easter symbols. Meanwhile, Roland’s group had an Easter movie night. We learned about what our grandparents took for granted and what they did every day.” Völfinger Petra, Pálfi Eszter, Bogdán Vivien








The Community House of Nagybajom wishes you a Happy Easter!”