Successful obtaining a degree
On 6th of July 2021, in a ceremonial atmosphere, I received my bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Szeged. Due to the virus situation, for a long time we only knew about an online graduation, but finally it was possible to participate in person. It was quite deplorable, however, that we could not invite guests, so they could not share in our success. It wasn’t so long ago that I finished the high school and then applied to the University of Szeged. The three years I spent there went by incredibly fast. As carefree as the beginning was, the situation that arose in the meantime made the end even more stressful. I had planned to spend a semester in Spain with an Erasmus scholarship, but the epidemic crossed it. Although I have completed my bachelor’s degree, I have no plans to stop my studies. I would like to continue the journey I started with a master’s degree in Spanish-English interpreting and translation, which I applied for. I hope that I can continue my university studies in this field from September. The Csányi Foundation, with its support, development classes and programmes, helped me on my way to get my degree and to achieving my goals, and ultimately helped me to be so successful. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for the wealth of knowledge and experience that the Csányi Foundation has given me. Zsolt Vugernicsek, Szeged group 1