2020. 10. 27.
Egyéb, Jászberény
The 2nd day of the autumn break
“The 3rd and the 4th of Jászság started the morning together again on the 27th of October. We were a little tired (because of the previous day’s hiking), but we were looking forward to the day curiously. In the morning, Dr. Katalin Pető held presentation about the problems of adolescent life. After elevenses, the group and I attended session in connection with further education. We are 8th graders, so the high school and career choice are current, so it is important to know what opportunities we have, that’s why Lilla Becsei and Petra Csurgó came to us from the Károly Eszterházy University. Thank you for helping us!” Gyula Pege, Jászság 3.