Best of
I loved everything. The host family, the programmes, the company, the group! I found London the most interesting. (János Kiss, Pécs1)
I loved the trips to London best. The accommodation could not have been better! (Péter Medek, Pécs 1)
In my opinion Brighton was excellent (again). I enjoyed every moment but I think the best was London. (Péter Panka, Pécs 1)
The company was the best for me, because we were like a big family. Brighton is beautiful, especially the beach, the park and the city centre. (Viktória Kovács, Jászberény 2)
Everything that is important for me can be found in Brighton, the beach, the sea, the city centre, cool weather and friends I made in the camp. (Dóra Bogdán, Pécs 2)
The best? The family, their hospitality and our teachers. This is what I liked best. (Patrik Jávorka, Pécs 2)
I liked Madame Tussauds best, because this was my first time there and the wax figures were very lifelike, it felt like I really met the stars. (Sára Horváth, Kaposvár 2)
I liked Seven Sisters best. I had never seen anything more beautiful than that. The view was fabulous and the air from the sea too. (Nikoletta Balogh, Kaposvár 2)
Most of the programmes were good, especially the trip to London. Brighton is a beautiful place and I would like to come back by all means if it is possible. (Richárd Palkó, Kaposvár 2)
I liked my host family the best because they were so warm hearted, welcoming, patient, thoughtful and nice and the food was delicious. (Patrícia Dézsenyi, Kaposvár 2)
Seven Sisters was an unforgettable experience: the bright white cliffs, the endless blue of the ocean, our laughter as we were singing a Quimby song walking arm in arm with the children, and the stones that I collected and Janó so gallantly carried home for me. (Angéla V. Sárközi, mentor, Kaposvár 2)
I loved the fact that the children always paid so much attention to each other, it showed so well that they belong together, I also liked to see what serious, mature, deep relationship they have with their mentors. I also liked how well they handled everyday life in England in English. It was just the cherry on the top to find out in the Booth Natural History Museum, among the stuffed animals and skeletons, how incredibly many birds Dóri Bogdán knows in English. (Zsuzsanna Hamlin, English teacher, Kaposvár)
I liked nearly everything in Brighton: the walk to school in the morning with all the lush, green vegetation, the houses with all the pretty, colourful flowers, the view of the sea, the school, the city, the local people with their smile and acceptance, all the volunteer work and charity and of course I could enjoy it because I could have the company of some great people. (Erika Csovcsics, mentor, Pécs 2)