(Mrs) Márta Őzéné Törőcsik

(Mrs) Márta Őzéné Törőcsik

I am Őzéné Törőcsik Márta, mother of 2 grownups. I have been living in Derekegyház with my family since I know my mind.

At secondary school I got verified as a typist and shorthand-writer, administrator and rapporteur. After graduation, I found it important to ensure smooth administration for everyday life which would help to normalise human connection, so I had worked on that field to make it happen.

I graduated at the University of Szeged at Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education in 2007 as an educator. I have been working as a developmental teacher at my hometown’s mental hospital for 15 years and also I was the deputy director there for more than 2 years. My job was to develop the inhabitants, help of mental hygiene, organise free time activities and being in contact with the members of their family.

As a mentor at the upcoming group in Szentes for the Csányi Foundation I am going to have the opportunity to represent all the knowledge what I have experienced through my job and studies. As the years passed the hunger for challenge have grown to develop and help young people with different skills, because I believe that every children deserve to get the maxium out of themself. Helping them to study and grow in a happy and a benevolent enviroment, which will lead them to be successful grownups.

Growth, my job, friends and family are the most important to me. Thankfully to my optimism I am trying to help everyone at every aspect of life.

„Az ember cselekedeteit meghatározó egyik leglényegesebb tényező az az értékrendszer, melyet fiatal korában alakít ki.”  – Albert Szent-Györgyi


2020. 01. 28.

