István Vidákovics

So far in my pedagogical activity I have always tried to achieve the goals from the child’s point of view, without exception I have always tried to develop the abilities of the child in the best possible way.

I graduated from the University of Szeged, then known as József Attila University, in 2005. I have 18 years of professional experience, mainly in the field of public education. I have also participated in several mobility and professional projects at home and abroad. I understand several languages. I am a native speaker of German and have an advanced level of English.

My interests are quite varied, football and chess have been my interests for a long time, and I have a coaching qualification in both; and competitive postal gamblers are my main recreational activities, as far as time allows.

The Csányi Foundation’s ethos is in line with my approach to my previous activities, and I will continue to make full use of my experience and knowledge to help the children entrusted to me to maximise their potential, and to help them on their way to a happier childhood and a better life.


2024. 06. 01.

