Christmas Celebration at Szeged
We already decorated the community house with some keen students on Friday.
This year’s Christmas Performance was not given by the children but by group 1 member Licsicsányi Zsuzsi’s family. She, her two sisters and her mother played the violin, told Christmas poems and sang Christmas songs beautifully. We had really touching moments with the children and their families singing along.
After the celebration both groups watched slide shows about last year’s adventures and experiences, then the children, teachers and guests had a friendly chat. Thank you for joining our celebration!
The menthors at Szeged
The curtain riser of the Christmas ceremony was performed by the Licsicsányi Family which was an intimate and beautiful performance. During the ceremony a slide show of the annual photo collection of the children was seen on the big screen television. This event gave the chance to Piroska to introduce the new drama teacher who greeted the congregated children, parents and grandparents. The atmosphere was homely. A wide selection of cookies, among which the parents’ and grandparents’ home made cakes, were served as well. Following the ceremony, the ‘family boxing day’ provided great pleasure for the families. The yearbook was very nice containing a lot of photos and thoughts. The calendar for the next year was very neat again! Thank you very much for the Foundation for their support and love that we got this year.
Csonkainé Juhász Erzsébet,
Evelin Vas’s mother