50 years
Child protection is celebrating its 50th anniversary in Nógrád county.
On this occasion, a conference was held with the help of the professional partners working in child protection and those working in related official matters in the picturesque vicinity of Salgóbánya.
Our Foundation received the honour of introducing our Educational Program on the second day of the conference. This is an alternative solution to aiding talented but underprivileged children which has been going on for 15 years.
After Mrs. Gáborné Cserkúti’s welcome speech, presentations by children from foster families and foster homes ensured an open and welcoming atmosphere, in which our operational director dr. Miklós Radoszáv exemplified the development process of children enrolled in the Csányi Foundation. Trough films made by the kids and other joint projects he drew the attention of the importance of working together.
The questions following the presentation confirmed our beliefs that compensating for the underprivileged situation of children is only possible through long term and complex programs while also improving the situation of the families.