Chess Festival
On Sunday we left Jászberény with great expectations to participate in the Chess Festival in the Palace of Arts in Budapest and to meet the world famous chess players Garri Kaszparov, Polgár Judit, Polgár Zsófi and Polgár Zsuzsa.
We cheered for our fellow Csányi students who were lucky to play simultaneous with Polgár Zsófi and her sister, Judit. We could play chess with each other and make many arts and crafts objects for which we got points and these points could have been exchanged into prizes. We were happy to get autographs from famous Hungarians, like Kokó, Kóbor János and Charlie. We discovered the labyrinth near the Palace and climbed up on the Babel tower of Pest. We took a stroll around the National Theatre and in the park. The day was closed with photo shootings. Thank you very much for this memorable day.
Nemoda Enikő, Chmelik Attila, Vig Dávid Jászság 3, Horváth Anna, Baráth Patrik Jászság 1