Summer Fête
The third day – 13th April
9:30 We happily welcome our guests.
10:30 Dr. Csányi Sándor, the Founder welcomed us and evaluated the past years encouraging us to continue studying hard and making an effort to reach for our goals. It is a tradition that every year the best among bests get an award for having an outstanding academic performance in the given school year 2018/19. The Founder, Csányi Sándor gave the students the award, which was a great honour. Altohether a 13 students were delegated: 5-6 Grade Kis Evelin Jászság 3., és Vajda Milán Nagybajom 2., 7-8. Grade Sárközi Emma Kaposvár 2., 9-10. Grade Gelencsér Márton Nagybajom3., és Sím Maja Mohács 2., 11-12. Grade Balla Ábel Kaposvár 3., Further education Kovács Viktória Jászság 2.
We are prould of the following students (Takács Cintia. Gál Viktória, Andalics Enikő), who have just completed the Foudation’s Educational Programme and got a diploma or a trade. Andalics Enikő, Kaposvár 2. said fare-well in the neam of his fellows. He emphasised beig truly thankful for the suport, care and love experienced when being a memeber of the Programme.
This year the Ágoston Attila award was given to Mr and Mrs Ádámosi, Csörgő Terézia, Papp Zoltán, Szabó Gábor.
This year we had a great pleasure to play FIFA football game. The Foundation’s champion Majdik Márk had thze chane to play agains the Hungarian champion Molár Gabó. It was really exciting and great fun!
14:30 We were happy welcoming our guests, thank you very much for coming and sharing our happiness on this special day. We really appreciate the visit and the participation and hope that this day convinced them about the importance and efficiency of the Foundation’s Educational Programme. We keep on working and continue our mission supporting gifted, socially disadvantaged children through each milestone of their lives, assisting them to overcome socio-economic obstacles and to develop their innate talents.
The second day – 12th April
7:30 We woke up early. The second day is special as this day is a team building day. We are eagerly awaiting the challenges to come. Every team hopes to win the cup, but first and foremost we are having our breakfast.
9:00 The weather is unusually cold, but is does not bother us, because creative activities are foreseen. The animators are full of energy and the activities seem to be challenging. No wonder that we can hardly wait for getting started.
12:30 Time has come to announce the winner of this year. All the six groups were very excited. We are pleased to announce that the best team of this year were the Communitiy House of Pécs. Congratulations to all the participants!
15:30 The final round of the Foundation’s Football tournament is on the row. During the year young and old are on the field – it was great fun playing together. So let’s see the results of the Junior’s tournament: 1st place: Orange, 2nd place: claret, 3rd place: Light green, 4th place, red. Senior’s tournament: 1st place: white, 2nd place: dark green, 3rd place:Yellow, 4th place: Red. Congratulations to the winners!
The best scorer – Kovács János
The best goalkeeper – Palotai Benjamin
The best junior footballer – Balogh István
The best female player – Terestyényi Anna
The best midfielder – Balog Dániel
16:30 The one who are not playing have the chance to join several work-shops: modelling, robotics. They also can hear about European round tour and an exciting travel to Botswana.
19:30 The next programme after dinner is going to take place in the concert hall where we can cheer for our mates who compete themselves in a frame of a song contest
Every single production was pretty nice. The jury made its decision. The winners are the following: 1st place Szeged 2 group, 2nd Kaposvár 4 group, 3rd place Kaposvár 1.,2.,3.
22:00 We had fun today! The best part was BEING TOGETHER. This is the most important for us, as we are friends and we care for each other, this makes us and our bonds in-between the Foundation so unique.
First day – 11th April
13:00 The day has come, everybody is together – The buses have arrived with all of the groups from the Csányi Foundation’s six Community Houses. The celebrating will be starting soon. This is our 14th Summer Fête – Tapolca welcomes us this year too.
16:00 We are ready to welcome our guests and fellows with an awsome exhibition. All the pieces put on display were made by us. A reading board will judge our works and the best among best will have a special award.
16:30-18:30 Time for rehearsals! It is always a great challenge to perform on a real stage. We try to do our best in order to impress all the invited guests who are going to arrive in two days. However we not only are active on satge but face the challenge of FIFA, Chess and other other competition.
After intens two hours, the results are the following:
FIFA championship: Palotai Benjamin, Mohács 1. group,
Table football championship: Bánfalvi Benjamin and Schneider Krisztián, Pécs 3 group
Chess championship: Peredi Olivér, Jász 2. group
20:30 The Band is ont he stage. We welcome the evening with a marvellous
18:30 After having a plentiful dinner we parting this day with an open air Hungarian folk dance event and Band concert. Today we are looking forward to an early sleep as tomorrow all our strength and cleverness will be needed on the „team building activity” specially organised for us.