Half term exams

Half term exams

Jaszberény – was the last stop for taking the half term oral exams. All the kids prepared themselves well for the exam and tried to overcome their excitement caused by the situation. We were truly happy for being able to welcome our guests Csányi Ádám, Jacqueline Leo, Holósi – Simon Judit and Vida Zsuzsanna. All in all we can say that all of the students developed a lot. Well done!

„I was afraid not being able to get the most out of myself. I learnt a lot and hoped to get a good topic. How happy I was when I saw the examiners being smiley. It was lovely how they encouraged us.” Hégete Alexandra

„I was a candidate taking the English exam. The examiners were strict but all of them were fair. When finishing the presentation, they gave a fed back. Not only our strong points were emphasised but also the fields where we have to practise more. I am so pleased!” Burai Tamás Gábor


This was the first time that Group 1 of Pécs started the oral exams. All of them were excited and tried to do their best. Why were they so dedicated – because the best one are going to travel abroad this summer. The examiners were prould of the kids and after listening them they gave feedback giving them a positive input. Let’s meet in April.


Kaposvár – The half term oral language exam’s first stop was on 10th December in Kaposvár. All the 8th Graders were excitedly waiting for being heard by the examiners. The innate and protective atmosphere helped a lot to the kids to overcome their fears, excitement and stage fright. All in all every of them did well. Let us see how they felt before and after the exam:


“I was afraid not being able to perform well – I try having positive thoughts in order to encourage myself.”

“I tried to calm myself and hoped the exams will be similar to the one we did in the summer camps in Tokaj/Kőszeg.”



“Wow it is gorgeous; I thought this exam to be extremely difficult as I was over excited. However it was awesome and I did well.”

“I am relived; I enjoyed the conversations with my examiners, as if I weren’t at an exam situation.”

“I am pretty satisfied with my achievement. Thank you to the examiners for being positive, supportive towards all of us.”

The exams will continue tomorrow in Pécs. All the best to the students and the co-workers of the Foundation. V. Sárközi Angéla, mentor