2018. 11. 25.
Egyéb, Jászberény
Together with the whole house
On Saturday in the Jászság community house every age were inside from the little ones to the university students. While the little kids were at classes the university students helped to put hings to the right place, to establish a gardrobe. Pisti made a lunch to us.
Lilla Becsei, our volunteer gave helpful advices in the case of further education studies to the 11th grade students. We are trying to do our best to get into our dream university. Kids from the 8th grade wraped shoe boxes for the Baptist love service’s action. We had to give something for the needy kids.
The smallest kids were helpful too. Lent is coming. Everybody is preaparing for the Family Christmas Day. This weekend had a very inspiring atmosphere. Fanni Törőcsik J1