

“On November 17, Attila Szölösi, a member of the Jász 2 group, was introduced to informatics, but now as a student he has visited us. HoloLens was one of the tools of extended reality. Attila’s lecture was very exciting and at once thought-provoking. It is also daunting to think how much technology can evolve from day to day. It may be possible to leave the phones in the future because everything can be stored in a glasses. I think when this great change happens, people’s lives will be easier. Everyone enjoyed it, we hope we can have more similar experiences. Thank you Attila for introducing this extraordinary tool. “Tamás Gábor Burai and Péter János Tálas Group 2

“I work for the OTP Bank, on the Development Directorate of Distributed Systems. I deal with the update, the maintenance, software develope and test as an intern. I’ve presented the device for the children and tried to call the attention for the importance of these devices. This mixed reality smart glass can expand the world that we know, and can be a great help in any area of life, from the overviewing of a real estate to the making surgeries easier.” Attila Szölösi j2