Factory visit at the CARRIER

Factory visit at the CARRIER

During the autumn break we were visiting Carrier CR Hungary Kft. with Katalin Fülöpné Paksi volunteer. We were told about the leading firms history at the commercial cooling technology by Julian Stoianov. They are building cooling systems for warehouses, logistics centers, food processing plants. Walking the “green way” with Production Manager Zoltán Váczi, we had the chance to see how these products are made. After that we were having a chat with P&A Manager Ildikó Nagy and HR worker Anita Nagyné Szedmák about our plans and the firms intellectual background. We were informed about the good CV characteristics and a few tips for job interviews. They took side with the foregin language and IT knowledge, also, but not least about the teamwork which is mandatory to reach our goals.


Thank you for this day. Törőcsik Fanni Barbara J1 csoport