London Journal
By the early days of May, my second academic year at the ICMP had been accomplished. I’ve studied several modules, and the various aspects of contemporary songwriting in this year, for example; the main module was called ‘Applied Songwriting’ which had been basically the major one that had to be done by submitting our portolios with our own songs and recordings. Though there were some new challenges because we had to choose optional modules as well. I’ve picked the composition and the production. Besides these assignments, I needed to accomplish the ‘Music Business’ module too, which was about giving an insight of the specific system of the music industry.Fortunately, all of my submitted works have been successful so there’s only one more year ahead. Also, since the school has been finished in May, I’ve started working as an outside promoter for a South African company nearby Charing Cross and also for a music venue in South East London, which is not far from Greenwich. These kind of jobs are perfectly fine for the summer, and I’m looking forward to my last academic year at the ICMP.Even if I had found myself in London,
I’m going to spend the whole July in Hungary, because everybody needs to be at home some time.
Áron Debreceni Kaposvár 2.