Finances, Sarló, summer!
Camp diary about the Financial and Drama Camp at Sarlóspuszta
Our last school day was only a few days ago, but we have already started our holiday season with the Csányi Camp at Sarlóspuszta. It is just as good as it was last year! There are older members of other groups helping our mentors. They talked about the great programs we are going to have during this camp. During the afternoon we played in groups, and got to know our group members better. We also watched the FIFA World Cup and enjoyed the evening. Tomorrow morning our programms will continue. We’ll start to learn about finances and we’ll have drama classes. Our camp leader, Ildi néni told us, that we will have time to make „DIY” things and play football. The „Number War” will also continue, and we’ll fight to find the flag again. We are excited for the next days.
Vajda Milán Nagybajom 2.
It was another exciting day at Sarlóspuszta.
We have started the day with some exercises and our trainer was Bence. After this we had breakfast and we had some playful learning with the members of Fáy Foundation. We learned financial rules and tips and we got some insight into the world of money. It was incredibly exciting and our presentors were friendly and prepared. After lunch we had some time to rest and the afternoon continued with sport activities. We could swim, play football or we could play badminton with the older members of the other groups. In the late afternoon we were able to take part of a contest presented by the older members of our fundation, were we had exciting and skillful games to try. In the evening we had film club, were we had the opportunity to watch the instructive movie, called Kutyahideg (Eight Below). We hope the next days will be just as exciting as today was.
Kiss Noémi Jászberény 3.
We started the day with a quick warm up, where we woke up sufficiently. Then we had breakfast, where we found delicious food. Everyone chose the dish, what their heart desired. With full stomach we joined the presentation of Fáy András Foundation. We could learn things in connection with finances, and we played a lot. After this we went to have lunch, because we were hungry. When we finished the lunch we had our group photo taken and we had some rest in our rooms. The next program was a drama class by Sasa, which was a blast. Our favourite task was, when we compared ourselves to animals. Next we had a switch with the other group, and the crafting class started. We could paint emoji figures on different sized canvases for our relatives. Then we were separated into two groups and we could swim or play football in turns. After this long day we were exhausted so we had dinner. Finally we held a mini X-faktor for ourselves. Szalai Boglárka Nagybajom 2.
Forth day
After the morning warm up and the breakfast we went to an exiciting program. The course park was a big challenge for everyone in this humid and hot weather. While the Jász group tried archery and air gun, the Nagybajom group could try the course park. In the afternoon the groups switched. I could say in the name of both groups that the sliding was the peak point of the whole day. In our free time we could swim and play board games. Finally we could batik some t-shirts. This day was as great as all the others before!
Hunting likes and value fair on the fifth day
We started the day with the 2 members of the International Children’s Safety Service, who presented some interactive tasks. We talked about the right way of using internet with Dr. Baracsi Katalin and we played „like hunter” board game with Preszl Éva. The morning was better than expected, both of the programs were great. It was a challenge to do the ball game on drama class, we had to be focused, but we laughed a lot, even when we lost. At the end of the class we did a value fair, where we could buy anything from a luxury holiday to wisdom. In our free time we could play football, swim and even ride a horse. We ended the day with playing board games.
Mere olympics on the 6. day
This was an other exciting day. We started the day with warm up, and our instructor was Pap Virág. It helped us to get even more awake. From 9 o’clock the „mere olympics” started. Firstly we formed groups, the first group was Laci Bácsi’s group. The second group was called „Legjobbak” leaded by Viki. And the third group was Monti. Our tasks were horseshoe throwing, jumping with bungies, and the best one was the wheelbarrow race with blindfolds. The tug of war was the final task. The best team was Monti, the second best was Laci Bácsi and the third was the Legjobbak group. The program ended with the „Hat stealer” game, which was leaded by Sasa. In the afternoon half of the group watched the movie „Brazilok” and the other half made felt dishes. Before the dinner we continued the contest started on Monday and the final program was a Mini X-factor.
Vajda Milán, Bek Martina, Horváth Zsófia Nagybajom 2.