(Mrs) Angéla Vancsuráné Sárközi

I was born in Komló on 23 November 1964. I have two children, Ráchel and Zalán. We live in Somogysárd, a beautiful village in the Belső-Somogy region, 20 km from Kaposvár. I graduated as an elementary school teacher at the Teacher Training College in Kaposvár in 1986.

I started teaching in Somogysárd, and in the last two years I was the headmaster of the elementary school. My lifelong commitment towards education evolved during the time I spent here. I received my degree in Drama Pedagogy in 2006, and in the same year I got a degree in Communications from the Faculty of Arts at the Kaposvár University.

I first encountered the Csányi Foundation in 2006, when I led drama classes in the Nagybajom group. The following year brought about real change, and since June 2007 I have been a mentor in the Kaposvár group. In 2009 I graduated from the Faculty of Education and Psychology at Eötvös Loránd University as an expert advisor in talent development, and currently I am enrolled in the Drama Pedagogy-Pedagogy Masters programme at Pannon University in Veszprém. I hope to provide effective help to the talented children under my care, relying on my knowledge and experience.


2017. 02. 27.

