Judit Sziráki

I graduated from the Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College in Szeged in 1992, where I majored in mathematics and crafts. The same year I started working at the Nagyboldogasszony Bilingual Catholic Elementary School in Jászberény, where I had studied for 8 years. In addition to teaching, I was also a form teacher and was in charge of the student self-government. In 2000 I graduated from the Eszterházy Károly Teacher Training College in Eger, as a communications specialist.

In 2010 I graduated from the Faculty of Education and Psychology at Eötvös Loránd University, as an expert advisor in talent development.

In 2006 I joined the enthusiastic group at the Csányi Foundation as one of the mentors in the Jászság group. There are 25 talented students under my care at the foundation. The oldest students in my group have already proven themselves, already studying in higher education. Some of them are studying for their school-leaving exams, and the 11 youngest members come on weekdays from several elementary schools in the Jászság region to the community centre in Jászberény, for different development sessions to broaden their knowledge.


2017. 02. 24.

