Chathura in Kaposvár
11th November – We all got together and left to the countryside Banya. It was really a great time with Sasa and her students. We cooked together and played together and later in the evening we listened to live traditional Hungarian music. It was just so much amazing and full of life. I even participated in one. It was so all new experiences and I am lucky to be a part of it. My heart never allows me to leave Hungary. With full of tears and sorrow I said my good byes to my students and my close mentors.
10th November – Today was a more relaxed day as these are my last few days of working. I went for lunch with my close mentors. We had a good time together as one. After that I went for coffee with them. It was a wonderul time as we had some good and funny discussions. And on the way in the cold we had ice cream. It was so much fun. I really am going to miss my Foundation. I had fun with a great sadness inside me, as the clock was moving forward.
9th November – It was a three-hour drive to Budapest early in the morning. I loved the journey as I got the chance to go with my mentors from Nagybajom. We had a great time on the way. I met the director of the Foundation and it was so great to see him. We had a small chat and I also met my mentors from the first town I visited. We all greeted each other and spoke for a while. In Budapest two university students took me around the city, they were really kind. I had the opportunity to visit the magnificent parliament and the castle. It was a very educational time for me. I really appreciate what the Foundation arranged for me. In the end I hugged my mentors just before the goodbyes as these are my last few days. We were one family. But I will come to see them again hopefully. And on the way back we all had a lot of fun with my mentors of Nagybajom and Kaposvar.
8th November – In the morning I and my great mentor Sasa , hurried to the famous secondary school in Kaposvar .I had three lessons . In here I found the students level of education was better and they were intelligent and asked good questions. In the afternoon I had two lessons at the Foundation for our students . All loved what I taught them and all showed a great interest. Later I did some shopping with my close mentors Sasa and Barnabas. Food at Kaposvar is good, I enjoy it .
7th November – I got three lessons in a primary school today morning and all the students and teachers gave me many positive feedbacks and I was happy to see that my lessons had a good impact on the children. Later at lunch me and Lilla talked about the lessons and in the afternoon I had one more lesson in the Foundation. It went really well too. I am happy as I shared much of the information about Sri Lanka with the students.
6th November – I started the day with my great mentor Sasa very energetically as I got 4 lessons at Munkacsy Secondary School. The students’ level of understanding English was good, and all loved what I taught them. We had some very good interactive lessons. The teachers were very much happy and they were also very keen on what I taught the students and said it was really great. I had a delicious lunch and in the evening I went to meet a Hungarian family and we had dinner and coffee together. It was a good day.
3rd November – In the morning we went to the beautiful lake, Deseda with the foundation students and with Barnabas, my mentor in Kaposvar. It was a good place for water sports. There was a museum too and it was educational to the students and me. The lunch time was really good, I spent it with the kind mentors Sasa and Barnabas. We had a good delicious lunch. Later we went to Munkacsy Secondary School, where I met our students, who were getting ready to take the next ECDL exam. In the afternoon we made some Xmas items with the students. Dinner was at the place of Barnabas’ friends. It was really nice, especially because we made it together. It was fun.
2nd November – In the morning soon after breakfast my mentors from Nagybajom, Roland and Andrew, came to see me in the Kaposvar Community House. I was very much happy to see them. After a very good lunch my mentors in Kaposvar, Sasa and Lilla, took me to Pecs to see our Foundation there and to educate me about the history of Hungary. In Pecs there is a history that goes back to more than 2000 years. I was so amazed to see this beautiful and historical city. One of the university students named Janos took me around the city, he was really helpful and kind. I was so happy with the programme arranged today. For dinner I went to one of the foundation students, Nóri’s house. They were very generous and I loved the soup made by them. We played XBOX games with her brothers and had a great family time. Another great day at Kaposvar, all credits to the kind mentors of my Foundation.
31st October – In the beautiful morning I went out in the city of Kaposvar with some students. They were really nice in nature and kind-hearted. I have met one of them during our Football Tournament in Romania. I was really happy to be with them speaking in English so that they could improve and become further familiar with the language. All were students from my foundation. I had a delicious lunch with Sasa and Barni and I met a teacher from a primary school in the restaurant so we had a small conversation.
Later I got together with the students of the foundation to make „koszorú” and I was very happy as I made one by myself in the traditional style and it was for the first time ever. It was very interesting to speak with the children while making it and we shared our thoughts and ideas.
My kind mentors Sasa and Barni arranged a cultural visit to the villa of Rippl-Ronai (a famous Hungarian painter born in Kaposvar). It was really educational and a good chance for the foundation students and for myself to know more about the history and the skillfullness of Hungarians.
In the late afternoon my kind mentor Sasa prepared a wonderful mushroom soup for dinner. I was very thankful to her for her care.
30th October – In the morning I went to do some shopping with the friendly mentors Sasa and Lilla. After the shopping we went to the countryside named Banya, which was a very beautiful and peaceful place. Later we had a good lunch together. In the afternoon I had some lessons in the Foundation. They were all good students and all were so much interested in the lesson that I conducted and I also had some play time with some of the Foundation’s students. It was fun to be with them and I am happy as they all liked what I taught.
14th October – met the friendly mentors in Budapest and we all came to Nagybajom, which is a small town in the country side. It is a place I would advise to any person who loves the nature and the countryside. On the way we had a quality conversation and saw the famous lake Balaton just from the road. It was a 3 hours ride and at about 6:20 pm we arrived at the Foundation. The accommodation is perfect and well organised. I just love the place. I had a good long conversation with Laci, one boy from the Foundation, who was good with the language.
15th October – early morning went to the garden and plucked an apple from the apple tree it was the 1st time I plucked an apple from the tree. Had a great breakfast and lunch, we went to watch a football match. It was cool. Later on we did some shopping with Laci and met Roland and Szilvi, the othet two mentors. They are really nice people, very kind and friendly. they have good spirits and Szilvi is a very energetic one. I had a great time with them.
16th October -in the morning , Roland and Andras came and Made the Breakfast together and it was so much fun. I enjoyed cooking with them. We made coffee as well. After all , I showed some of the beautiful places in my country and some of Maldives. They were really amazed by the beauty of both the countries and had a wonderful conversation about Fishing. Something that we love to do. And in the noon Silvi came, we went out to kaposhvar to see the beauty of the town and the old historical churches. Which I love o much to see. It was so much fun talking in English with the mentors. We had great Chinese food and came back and went to see some site seeing in my small town. Looking very much forward for the English lessons arranged tomorrow.
17th October – Went to the secondary school with Szilvi at 7 am and I had a couple of lessons. The students were well disciplined but I did the lesson in a way that all understood as the English was not that common to them. But at the end of the lesson they felt better and the expression on their face was good. I felt my work was executed well and I was really happy. I did visit the places in the school and went to the small market next to the school with one of the teachers and with Laci. Later the day I had a great lunch with Andras and went to his town to see the sheeps and it was really great and the later part off the day I had a English lesson at the Foundation with the students of Foundation. They were very good and interacted well in the lesson and asked many good questions. The day was well allocated .
18th October – Roland and András, we went to the university in Kaposvar and met Zsolt in the morning and had an understanding about the education system here in Hungary and we compaired it with Sri Lanka. We all had a wonderful conversation and both of the mentors loved it. Later on after lunch we went to see a beautiful lake close to my small town. It is a great location for fishing. In the afternoon I had an English lesson with the Foundation’s students. They all participated in the lesson very well. I really respect the Csányi Foundation after seeing the effort they put to improve the knowledge and happiness of the children of Hungary.
19th October – Early morning we left from Nagybajom to Budapest after collection the students. We went to take part in an program about Robos. All the students were very much keen as they like it. After the end of the session we came back. A day spent well with the happy students.
23rd October – In the morning made a great breakfast by myself and it was delicious. My kitchen is fully equipped with all the needed things. And it was a day to celebrate and the function as arranged in the evening at the cultural centre. I went there with Roland but on the way I went to the church and spoke to the high priest and he educated me about the history of the church. At the same time I got a present from the priest that was a Bible that he was using in the church. It was a very happy moment for me. Later at the cultural centre there were some events Organised to celebrate the Hungarian Revolution. It was a colourful event. I met the special guests as well and later headed back to my amazing accommodation.
24th October – In the morning I and Roland went to buy gift items for the Xmas. The shop was really nice as there were a lot of things to choose and it was quite big. I also bought some gift items for my friends in Sri Lanka. We prepared lunch together with Andrew, he is very much good in the kitchen. I really am enjoying cooking now. At first I did not know anything, but slowly I got to understand the basics. I loved the conversation with the 3 mentors after eating. What else could crown the day as having lessons in the Foundation with the students. They attended well. Later in the late evening I went to see some karate practicing. It was a good show by the master. Every day I spend in here in really exciting.
25th October – I met Roland in the morning, who gave me some old Hungarian and Croatian coins. It is of great value to me as I collect them, I was so much thankful to him. Following that we went to school in Nagybajom and met its principal, then went into classes. I had three lessons and from the 1st to the last all the children were very much close to me and listened very well, and surrounded me and spoke to me in all the languages in order to communicate. All of them were so friendly and welcoming, I felt as if I was a celebrity in the school. It was an amazing time, me and Roland enjoyed it, that is for sure. The English teacher was very kind. She also teaches in the Foundation. I just love these kinds so much. After lunch we all went to see the Lake Balaton. Such a beautiful place, with a wonderful view. Later we popped in a Halloween event, then went home. It was another splendid day among the lovely citizens of Hungary.
26th October – The moring was great with a new type of fruit brought by Roland. It was home grown fruit. The day was a boys day out. I was excitingly waiting for this day. We went to visit a magnificent castle and a beautiful Buddhist Stupa in Zalaszántó, which was located deep int he forest facing Lake Balaton. Following that I went with Andrew and Roland to a boutique Restaurant (just the same type I always dreamt of going). The food was great and actually we had a lot of fun there while ordering. Later we came back to the Foundation as the students were coming at 4 pm. I really enjoy working with them, they love talking and using English. For dinner Szilvi my other mentor surprised me with my favourite mushroom soup prepaired by herself. I was very thankful to her, she is an amazing cook. Late evening I went again to Jutissu, learnt some self-defence steps and at the end the tutor gave me a wonderful souvenir. Thanl you for this unforgettabel day.
27th October – After breakfast I and Roland went to the local kindergarten to see the little children, I was invited so I was very happy to visit them. We had a sweet time with the kinds and I took part in the class activities. They were all very innocent and spoke to me in Hungarian language and the English teacher translated it to me. Later I and Roland went for fishing (A hobby that we both love). I was very much excited as it was the first time I went for fishing in Europe. The lake we went to was very attractive. I caught one fish (it was really fun) and we both enjoyed our time there. After a good lunch we had some quality conversations. There was an lesson in the Foundation and at the end we spoke and took pictures as it was my last working day in this calm and beautiful Community House. I felt very happy and sad at the same time to say good bye to the mentors and to Tündi, who is another volunteer here. I really have to appreciate all the mentors for their generosity, kind hearts and the wonderful care that they kept only me but the kids. My short little two weeks in this little town was so wonderful and will remain as a sweet memory till my last breath. I am so happy as I have these mentors as close friends and I am looking forward to keep the bond as long as possible.
28th October – The day of the Foundation’s Football Tournament. It was an event well organised and I got the chance to meet all the mentors and most of the kids. The game was exctitng. I was so pleased as I finally met the operational director of the Foundation and it was a great honour to meet Mr Miklós. We had a good conversation about how to help others and how to improve the lives of kidsin need. In the evening me and Roland went to a halloween program, but that is not my cup of tea. Later that day we watched a movie with all the students. It was really so much fun. I am definitely going to miss Nagybajom.
1st day – 1st October Arriving to Hungary at dawn did not make me tired, as I was much excited. A warm welcome cheered me up as one co-worker (Judit) of the Foundation awaited me. While dinking a cup of coffee, we discussed for the last time the duties and schedules and signed the volunteer contract. Moreover we also had the pleasure to enjoy the sunrise. After preparing the breakfast together, I could play a bit football then went to the main office of the Foundation. The location is just beautiful. Around 1 pm we reached Jászberény, where I met two mentors Judit and Tamás. They showed me around in the Community House and after a delicious lunch I could move into my room in the local campus. In the afternoon I could cheer for a local football match. Finishing the day I had a walk and a lovely conversation with some students. My first day was spent well. HL Chathura, AIESEC volunteer from Sri Lanka
2nd October Woke up early in the morning with soo much of spirit, Mr Tomas came to pick me and we went to the Foundation. Did some exercises and went with the small kinds to a playground, to warm up and ran 3 times around the ground showing good example. I took part in a football warm up session and played handball. Following that I went to school and met the teachers. They were so friendly and welcoming and they gave me two classes to teach. All the students were very keen and did a good job by listening well and asking questions. I was very happy to answer. A short break gave me the chance to dink a cup of coffee, but after that I was invited to a singing competition. Early evening I also took up some sport at another school and time also has come to do some shopping with Anna and Mr Tomas. In the evening I was taken to a breath-taking church, I was so amazed to see it. We also went for a walk in the park and finished the day by cooking pasta for supper spending quality time together. It was a wonderful and cheering day.
3rd October The climate was cold, woke up early in the morning and left to the beautiful playground to do some exercises with Mr Thomas. He is an amazing physical instructor, as he is well experienced. The atmosphere was cheering with the beautiful leaves falling down as we were warming up. Played a small football match with the very friendly students. For their age they play good football. I’m sure they can be great players someday. The class rooms are very neat and clean and the students are so kind and friendly and they were listening to my lessons very well. All wanted to take pictures with me and they were very keen on the things that I was teaching and they all asked me very good questions. The lunch given was really like that of my home town. I felt happy. All the children and teachers are different, very kind and helpful. I never got home sick as they all are with me all the time.
4th October It was a wonderful day like the other days. The students were good and listened well in the classroom. And after each lesson they all loved going to Sri Lanka to see the beauty of the country. The old and rich history of Hungary is amazing, the Churches that I went to see were built in 14th century and 18th and 19th century. The paintings on the walls are so wonderful and as I’m a history lover, I fell in love with the paintings. Mr Thomas and we I had a bonding conversation alone the long ride and had Hungarian pizza for diner. With my observations I found people in Hungary are really polite and kind.
5th October – I had 6 classes at school today and in each and every class, the children loved what I did in their class rooms. There were very good comments from the teachers as well. Really felt so satisfied after sharing my knowledge with the students. All the teachers are very caring and so kind and I never felt being a stranger in a school of another country. The I attended a ceremony which started at 3pm. Here the new students joining the school were welcomed. It was real fun. At 4pm there was a class in the Foundation and it was great time with the students. We also had a pizza while the lesson. The day was busy but the time was well spent. I felt very much great as I was able to share and teach my experiences to the students in Jászberény.
6th October – I went to Eger with Sziráki Judit and some of the university students. Eger is a historical town and a well-recognised and well respected place by the Hungarian citizens. It is also known to many tourists as history lives in this amazing city still. The buildings and fortress are amazing. The historical presence of the Ottoman Emperor still can be seen. The tower still stands in this city is the tallest structure in this region outside Turkey built by the ottomans. One day is not enough to see the beauty of this astonishing place. I was amazed to see this beautiful town of the history that still lives in Hungary. Now after the busy working days, my days off are coming. At the weekend i am planning to expore some parts of Budapest. See you on Monday as my second week starts in Jászberény.
10th October – Today the students were so eager to ask words of Sinhalese and they all wanted to hear me speaking from my mother tongue as it was my second lesson to them. All were very keep like always in my lessons as they felt it very new. Students participated well and I asked them questions to improve their English as well as the thinking power. After school I went with Mr Tomas to have lunch which was so delicious. Following that I joined him to check the Foundation’s vehicle’s condition so we went to another city named Szolnok to get it done. The city was really beautiful. We had a good time in there.
11th October – It was a cheering day as the day started with many presents from the English teachers after they came to know that I was leaving this amazing town on 12th October. They have been so kind to me throughout my stay at the secondary school. I had few lessons after that and the kinds like always loved me teaching and they asked many questions in English and we had a good time with all. And I was at the foundation as well with the amazing students.
12th October – Day started early in the morning, had 4 lessons in the secondary school and 1 at the foundation. All the students in the secondary school after each lesson came to me and shake handed me and said I did a great job. And the teachers wished me all the best and said they are going to miss my lessons and I truly will miss those great teachers as well. I went for Canoeing in the beautiful lake in this town. It was so much fun with my students. In the evening the classes at the foundation went very well. the children attended the lesson well and asked me many good questions. And after the lesson we all played handball and football. It was a wonderful time in here. A time that I can value for a lifetime.