Morning show
The Csányi Foundation has been invited into the morning show called Család-barát (14th April).
Not only our operational director (Miklós bácsi) was there but three of my mates who attend different universities here in Budapest. As for me, I was asked to give a performance by singing a song just to swing ourselves into the mood of a pleasurable conversation. While being there we had the chance to introduce the Foundation’s activity in nutshell, explaining the way children become a member of the Programme. We were asked to tell about our goals and dreams, we wish to reach for in our life. We also shared how the Foundation encouraged and supported us from the young age up to the recent time and beyond. It was a pleasure to tell that this weekend we are going to celebrate together in Kaposvár our special event – the so called Summer Fête, where our invited guest can celebrate with us. It was an honour to be a part! Thank you Csányi Foundation!
Kalla Andrea, Jászság 2.
As we saw it
“Today morning, I was so excited and a little bit nervous before we went to Duna Television with my university mates. After arriving there, we got make-up which we enjoyed so much. The moderators of the programme were so kind. We had a short conversation about the Foundation. We were talking about how we got into the Programme many years ago and what the Foundation gave us during this time. I personally was talking about my studies at the Károli Gáspár University. This is my first year and without the help of the Foundation I couldn’t have such a great results in my studies. I am happy to be a member of the Foundation. I love this programme so much.” Balogh Nikolett, Kaposvár 2. Károli Gáspár University
“For me appearing on TV was another huge experience I have received at the Csányi Foundation. My favourite part is the make-up studio but it was also exciting knowing that at my back, Sándor Sasvári is cooking with his daughter. Such experiences make the Foundation so cool! I would like to thank the Csányi Foundation, again!” Király Kinga, Jászberény 1. Károli Gáspár University
“To see behind the scenes was more than exciting … and it was extraordinary that I was a part of it. It’s great to be a member of the Foundation! Thank you!” Kmett Dániel, Jászság 1. Óbuda University