Advent adventure
“On Saturday, we took part in the last excursion of the year. All three groups traveled together to Pécs to bid farewell to the year. By 9 a.m., our bus was already speeding towards Pécs, with our first stop being the Zsolnay Quarter. Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side, as it rained all day. This meant that our planned walk among the old walls of the historic Zsolnay factory and its lush, greenery-filled park had to be canceled.
However, we were compensated by the captivating presentation at the Planetarium in the Cultural Quarter. We absorbed a wealth of new knowledge as the presenter spoke about the Milky Way, planets, and the scientific explanation of the changing seasons. The lecture proved to be incredibly engaging for everyone—our jaws practically dropped in awe as we listened.
Next, we visited the Zsolnay exhibition, where the principle of “everything for the eyes, nothing for the hands” was strictly upheld. We marveled at beautiful vases, tableware, and jewelry worth millions of forints.
By the afternoon, we could hardly wait to take our seats at the Pécs National Theatre, where we watched the youth play Emil and the Detectives. This was an unforgettable experience, especially for many of us, as it marked our first-ever visit to the theater.
If someone were to ask us what the very best part of the day was, we wouldn’t even be able to decide, as we enjoyed every single moment. Much thanks to the Foundation!”
Gajdácsi Kamilla, Group 1; Iván Bianka, Group 2; Ráczga Emese, Group 3