Archives Day 2024

Archives Day 2024

On 10.09.2024, the Archives of the Hungarian National Archives of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County traditionally held its 26th Archives Day in the banquet hall of the county hall. The conference was opened by Dr. Attila Csönge, Director of the County Archives.

Dorina Szerző, mentor of the Jászberény Group 4, also gave a professional presentation at the conference, which was composed of archivists, archaeologists and historians. Dorina’s local history research was about the Schwartz family, who established and operated a brick and tile factory in Jászárokszállás in the 20th century, contributed to the economic development of the settlement, and then some of their heirs became victims of the Holocaust, while the brick factory was taken over by the state. An extended essay on the lecture was also published in the Honismeret magazine, issue 4, 2024.

Dorina is also actively involved in the local history and economic past of the municipality, because she is a member of the local Klímatechnikai Horgász Egyesület and also the secretary, where the old mine of the brick factory is located.