8th Arts and Crafts Camp

8th Arts and Crafts Camp

“The 8th Arts and Crafts Camp was held in Sarlóspusta from 4 to 10 August 2024. The project “DANCE” gave everyone the opportunity to develop their talents to the maximum. 166 participants started their creative work in 10 sessions in an inspiring environment. This year, in addition to the 10 sections, the team from Jász-Stones started their preparations for the next academic year. The team had a huge success in Sydney in early July when they won first place in the Innovation category at the FLL Asia Pacific Open Championship (APOC).

“When we arrived at the camp on Sunday, we prepared our equipment for work and rested up from the trip. At the beginning of the week we built the base of our robot in the morning and did some navigation exercises. In the afternoon, Attila Faragó visited us at the camp site, and we went through the robot mechanics, the important parts of building the metaphorical accessories, and the basics of coding with program code. On Tuesday, we “figured out” how to build the final robot and then built it. This work was followed by video analysis until the track for this year’s “Submerged” season arrived, which we assembled. And now we’re at the point where we have all the bases covered. We’ve got a new robot and a recently arrived track, a basic knowledge of our new coding system and, last but not least, a lot of motivation.” Zsolt Kovács, member of the Jász Stones team, Jászberény group 4

We are delighted that, in addition to the Foundation grantees committed to the arts, 20 talented young people from Transylvania and their chaperones from the Social and Child Protection Directorate of Harghita and Covasna County joined the creative camp. Thanks to Zoltán Elekes, CEO, Gabriella Fehér, Ildikó Opra, Eva Bálint and Melinda Holló for their efficient cooperation in helping to implement the joint project, which is an uplifting feeling and a beautiful experience for everyone.

The coordinated work of foundation staff, small mentors, volunteers and development teachers was the key to the success of the camp.” Andrea Bálint- Orsós, camp mentor, Pécs Group 3


Presenting the sections:

Acrylic, watercolour painting: “The painting section has never had so many participants as this year, which of course implies that a significant part of the group has not been with us before, so we start the first days with the basics of painting, colours, still life, watercolour landscapes, possibly portraits. Due to the number of participants, the group will be split in two, while one group will paint indoors, the other will work outdoors. Dance as the theme of the camp will of course be introduced, but probably in the second half of the week, I will do a little performance for the children, a selection of pictures, to give them a little kick-start. Outdoors we’ll mostly be doing dust pastel and watercolour paintings, inside we’ll be painting with acrylics. At the end of the week we will make a big collective picture as usual. In addition to this, Alexandra will collectively for the camp (whoever wants to, I suppose it could be called an open session), hold a batik class.” Leader: Dominik Heilmann, small mentor Mohács group 2

Csányi Band. To do this, we will place great emphasis on cooperation with both the chamber orchestra and the different sections during the process, so that the joint work will run smoothly and efficiently. The first step will be the selection of songs, where everyone can suggest their own ideas to ensure that the repertoire is enjoyable for all participants. This will be followed by joint rehearsals where, in addition to technical development, we will pay close attention to harmony and collaboration. All orchestra members are actively involved in the process, and creative contributions are encouraged so that everyone can add their own musical ideas to the performance. Coordination between the chamber orchestra and the different sections will be an important part of our work, and we will organise regular joint meetings and rehearsals. These will allow everyone to share ideas and experiences, so that our musical productions will be the result of a truly joint effort. It is important to us that every moment of the camp is enjoyable and inspiring for the participants. In addition to rehearsals, we also plan a variety of musical workshops and sessions to help participants develop musically, learn new techniques and develop their creative ideas. Throughout the camp, we encourage a proactive attitude and teamwork so that everyone can bring out the best in themselves and others. The final days will be filled with intensive rehearsals in preparation for the final performance, which we hope will be a worthy culmination of our collective work and creative collaboration. Last but not least, our aim is that all participants will not only grow musically, but will also leave with lasting experiences and new friendships. We look forward to creating this special musical experience together!” Leader: Andrea Kalla, Mentor Assistant, Jászberény Group 2.

Graphics. In addition to collaborating with other arts, we will work on specific tasks in an exciting area of graphic design (e.g. logo, image and poster design, book and publication design, photo retouching, online presence, etc.). The technique of the individual assignment is optional, but the theme of the camp, “dance”, must be present in the students’ work.” Leader: Szilvia Fatér, Graphic Designer

Felting:“This year 17 students started to create in the nemez section, girls from grades 5-9 applied, and we were very pleased to see that the mostly Jászberény students were joined by students from Pécs and Szentes. Half of the group has been felting for years, so they can give a lot of help to their younger counterparts, which is very important with such a large number of people, because the workflow happens simultaneously, we always wait for the other. The main theme of this year’s camp is Dance, it’s not so easy to find a technique and creative work for this theme. We talked a lot and brainstormed with the kids about what comes to mind when they think of dance, and mostly we thought of rhythm, joy, joyful movement, connection between people, art, and different emotions like love. During the felting process, the wool fibres are mixed, even random shapes are created, we take advantage of these when we add extra silk fibres and yarns, thus obtaining a harmonious dance of yarns, lines and colours in the end. We will create pictures, bags and pots using wet felting this week, then move on to dry felting where we create dancing figures. It takes a lot of energy, time and perseverance to do all of this, but the good vibes, great community and fantastic environment of Sarlóspuszta are the best doping agent for the team!” Leader: Ildikó Nagy, mentor of Group 3, Jászberény.

Acting: “With the fun moments of the Sunday warm-up training, we started the work in the acting workshop with the team that had bonded during last year’s camp and the performances of the Guidance Festival. We are delighted that five of the seventeen successful applicants are trying their hand on the world’s biggest boards for the first time. The others have been loyal regulars for years, as have five of our mentors, who have given unforgettable performances over four to six seasons, and some have even made their debut as directors. This year, we want to continue the tradition we have built up over the last six camps. This year, the different age groups are preparing two stage productions. The dramatic play will be performed during the open sessions in the middle of the week, and the comedy play will be premiered on the farewell evening. This camp will also benefit from the help of our sister museums, and we thank the musicians and visual artists in advance for their creative contributions.” Leader: Zoltán Papp, teacher

Nature photography:“This year’s nature photography section has also got off to a successful start. The main focus of our workshop during the camp will be the post-production of the works created in the previous week’s camp in Baks. We will spend the mornings capturing the arthropod world of nearby fields and grasslands, and the afternoons will be spent retouching them. In addition, as in previous years, we will be welcoming visitors on Tuesday to gain an insight into our workshop work in an open session. We hope that by the end of the week, all participants will be able to put together a wide range of high-quality exhibits.” Leader: mentor Péter Mikics, Szeged Group 2

Creative Writing. We will approach the theme of Dance primarily from a rhythmic point of view, so that the writing students can learn to write in time and time-weighted verse, but we will also explore poetic forms and dance songs, and we will also venture into the world of prose, in addition to lyric poetry, to explore the relationship between literature and dance.” Leader: Izabella Patyi, Mentor Assistant, Szeged Group 3

Filmmaker, animation session. We watched short inspirational videos that helped us to get ideas started. We also talked a lot about our given theme; dance, which is present in a lot of films and animation. During the camp, we will try to learn a cutting technique, we will continue to learn more creative solutions to stop-motion. This one week is also enough time to learn how to work with programs such as Adobe Premier Pro. We will also learn the tricks of handling a camera and how to get the best out of it: with which settings or creative tricks. Along with this, we will use traditional objects: clay, paper, sheets to help us with our tasks. Using tools is not enough, of course, it also requires creative thinking, collaboration and brainstorming in groups. Unpacking the theme during the camp is not easy, but we got a lot of ideas from the children and we are trying to implement as many of them as possible. In my opinion, the first day started well and hopefully the next ones will be the same. The theme of the camp is dance and we are trying to progress step by step with our materials.” Barnabás Szövényi, teacher

Media. It’s going to be a busy week as we have several projects planned. The more experienced members of the team have been involved in the work of the section since its inception and have thrown themselves into the tasks with great enthusiasm, taking the newcomers under their wing. We started the week with brainstorming and planning, discussing and figuring out what kind of short films we would make in the future.” Zsuzsanna Fenyő, Mentor, Kaposvár Group 1.

Chamber Orchestra. During the camp, we will be joined by outstanding artists, including Attila Szabó and his wife, both acclaimed violinists, and violist János Láposi. Through their participation, the Chamber Orchestra can provide a unique sonic experience that will foster the musical development of orchestra members. It will give young musicians the opportunity to develop their musical skills and a deeper understanding of the importance of playing together. Playing music together supports the development of rhythmic sense, intonation and collaborative skills in an inspiring and professional environment. Rehearsals will include Handel’s Water Music, Brahms’ Hungarian Dances 5 and 6, as well as original compositions and smaller chamber pieces, which will help deepen participants’ technical and musical development.” Leaders: Elemér Fehér, Adriána Kalafszky, Eszter Hargitai teachers & Mr. and Mrs. Szabó, János Láposi volunteers


Beszámoló a táborban lévő gazdagító programokról:

“I work as a painter and as a teacher of visual arts at the Catholic Primary School of Hope in Kispest. I am participating in the camp programme as a volunteer for the first time. I really enjoy creating with the children. I think it is important to work in a good atmosphere and for each child to find the technique they like best, as well as to learn and become familiar with painting techniques they are unfamiliar with or less used to. Textile painting (batik) is also very popular with young people. Everyone can create their own unique T-shirt with great enthusiasm. The creativity activities are very varied, this year the theme is “dance”. The children’s natural and sincere spirit is reflected in the varied works.” Alexandra Görbe, volunteer

“This year is my first time at the Art Camp. I came to this magical place in the bus of the Pécs team. As a teacher of folk leatherwork, my task is to introduce children to the techniques of leatherwork that are still useful today, and to leather, a natural material that can be used in many different ways. With my guidance, children will have the opportunity to make bracelets, necklaces and small knick-knacks independently using the newly learned techniques. While learning leathercraft techniques, they will also develop their manual dexterity, perseverance and self-awareness. The younger children are enthusiastic about their work and work hard helping each other. The older ones, I think, need a little encouragement at first, so that they work with more enthusiasm. They produce demanding, precise creations. I’ve built up the themes of the sessions so that the simple, quick-to-make objects are linked to the techniques they’ve already learned in the process of making the next pieces. Thus, after the simple little butterflies and tassels, the shepherd’s crochet bracelets with lacing and braiding are next. After that, the children can learn the techniques of leather embossing and stamping, and create jewellery with these too. In the second half of the camp, the children will be able to make their own purses and handbags.” Terényi Gyöngyi Folk craftsman

It became a tradition to hold open sessionsin the evenings during the camp, which gave participants the opportunity to get to know each other’s work better.


The atmosphere at the Farewell Evening was once again enthusiastic this year. Sessions presented their activities for the week, their short and long-term goals. It was a pleasure to see the camp participants celebrating each other’s successes together.


“It was a fantastic camp. The key to our success is cooperation, mutual respect, appreciation of each other’s work and the feeling of creating together…. I hope that all readers will share this feeling with us. Thank you to the Csányi Foundation for allowing us to organise the camp and for the high quality of the work, which was provided in all the necessary conditions.” Andrea Bálint- Orsós Camp Leader Mentor, Group 3, Pécs

The photos of the 8th Arts and Crafts Camp can be seen in the Gallery .