„Ready, Set, Drive!” – Road Safety

„Ready, Set, Drive!” – Road Safety

“Last year, I successfully applied to participate in the ‘Ready, Set, Drive!’ program organized by the Foundation, and as part of this initiative, I delivered an interactive presentation today on safe transportation to the youngest members of Group 3 in Mohács. At the end of the presentation, the children were able to deepen their knowledge in a fun way with a Kahoot! game I created, which allowed them to comprehensively learn about the basic rules of different modes of transport – including car, bicycle, and pedestrian travel. I covered the most important road safety regulations in detail and provided tips on how they can help other participants ensure safer travel. I hope the presentation was both useful and enjoyable for the children and that they gained valuable knowledge they can apply in their everyday lives. I would like to thank the Foundation for their support and for the opportunity to contribute to expanding the knowledge of these young learners.”

Maja Írisz Sik, Group 2, University of Pécs: Student in Communication and Media Studies